Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Katrina leaves painful mark

Our hearts are so much with the refugees of New Orleans and Mississippi. Flooding brings woes greater than just too much water. You get disease. You get bodies of humans and animals floating and decomposing in the heat. You get poisonous snakes looking for high ground. You get cemeteries losing their caskets from underground. You can't drink the water unless it's boiled. You can't boil the water because there's no electricity. If you could find dry wood anywhere, where will you get dry matches? This is a major national disaster with a death toll which will dwarf September 11th.

So much of it looks like what we saw in Liberia. Looting, instability, refugees in a stadium, lack of food or clean water and electricity. No law. New Orleans and Biloxi are experiencing a breakdown of civilization.

Christianity is the only force in the earth that brings peace, security, self-sacrifice, restraint, and provision. When that is gone, you see the future of a United States without Christ. And you see the lawlessness and desperation in New Orleans now.

So many have been sacrificing chickens for years to their voodoo spirits. What will their voodoo spirits do for them now? What will the wood carvings do for them now? They are only good to burn for firewood to boil water. There are numerous Christian aid organizations mobilized and heading to Louisiana and Mississippi. Where are the Muslim aid organizations? Where are the atheist organizations?

We know that storms like this one are a result of the entrance of sin into the world. That is why bad things happen to good people on this planet. Sin is at work here in this age. Beyond that, I have strong questions in my heart at the similarities and timing of Israel's forced evacuation of Gaza under intense international and US pressure and our forced evacuation of New Orleans and much of southern Louisiana and Mississippi. I have questions about our dependence on Saudi oil (by which we are funding the very terrorists we are fighting). It's just strange to me.

We are Israel's last friend in the world. But under the leadership of Secretary of State Dr. Condi Rice, a woman I greatly respect, we are pressuring Israel to give up her covenant land and rewarding terrorism. Unfortunately this Christian woman is heavily influenced by replacement theology which negates Israel's promises and future. God has not forgotten His promises to Abraham. We may be experiencing some discipline as a nation for rewarding terrorism and pressuring Israel in harmful ways.

1 comment:

  1. I also sense that the occurence of hurricane Katrina is not insignificant considering what we saw on a microcosm in the West Bank afew weeks ago. Families forced to leave their homes, leaving everything to be turned over to armed terrorists for their propigation. I remember sitting with my oldest son and us talking about what happened in Israel, and what role the U.S. had played in forcing the ceding of land to the Palestinians. He and I talked about that whenever the U.S. allows this to take place, that there soon follows events such as this. I echo at every turn, the necessity for us a Christians to remember that our Lord God is faithful to His word, and that Replacement Theology is a beleif that negates that attribute of our Lord.
