“Following the morning chapel the altar was crowded with students seeking the Lord -- two and three deep, with people praying in groups around the auditorium,” Asbury President Paul Rader said. “Throughout the day there has been a beautiful awareness of the holiness of God.
Many students took off their shoes with a sense of standing on holy ground.“God is answering the passionate and persistent prayers of committed students who have been fasting and praying for weeks for this kind of spiritual breakthrough. We are all rejoicing in it,” he said.
Monday's Chapel Continues at Hughes Auditorium
Another article
From the Asbury College website Feb 7, 2006
Chapel Continues Today (Feb 8, 2006)
Chapel continues into Friday (Feb 10, 2006)
Rumblings of revival on college campus (Baptist Press)
Picture from asbury.edu
I pray that Southeastern would allow God to work in this manner, as well. I have often realized that God is more willing for circumstances like these to take place, but we often hinder the Spirit because of our schedules.