Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Maxwell House evangelism

I was on the maxwellhouse.com website the other day trying to win a Stanley tool from the code on the coffee label, when I saw a survey. You know me. I can't resist giving my opinion!

On page 4 of the survey, there was the following question:

When thinking about coffee in general, for each of the statements given below, please tell us how strongly you agree or disagree that each statement applies to you.

Strongly agree; Somewhat agree; Neither agree nor disagree; Somewhat disagree; or Strongly disagree

1. My friends and family would probably consider me a good source of advice for coffee

2. Within the last six months I have spoken to a lot of people about coffee

3. I often speak about coffee with my friends and family

4. During a conversation about coffee, it is very probable that I would convince my friends and family about my ideas

5. When I speak about coffee with my friends and family I usually give them a lot of information

I asked myself, how would I answer these questions if I replaced the word coffee with the word, Christ? Now that will preach!

By the way, did you know how the jingle, "Good to the last drop!" came about? Thornwell Jacobs from Clinton, SC, the son of William Plumer Jacobs, founder of Thornwell Home for Children (1870) and Presbyterian College (1880) was sipping coffee with the owner of the Maxwell House hotel in Nashville, TN, when he remarked that the coffee was indeed good to the last drop. The phrase stuck.

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