Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wyman and Michelle D.

Have you heard about the 8-year veteran IMB missionaries, Wyman and Michelle D. who were planting a church among the F (name withheld for security) people in an Islamic nation in West Africa?

They were given until April 15 to resign or face termination by their regional leader.

The charge? Insubordination.

They were planting a baptistic (not a Baptist) church with a Christian & Missionary Alliance missionary couple (the only other ones in their area) and following the IMB policies and Baptist Faith & Message 2000 as best they understood them in the cultural context in which they operated. Using the term Baptist or Christian is a sure way to get your throat cut in this region, but now they are appealing for their jobs in the West African region where the IMB cannot get people to volunteer because the conditions are so difficult -- no infrastructure, roads, electricity, running water, sewerage, communications.

There is an appeals process to the VP-Overseas Operations, then to Dr. Rankin, then to the Board.

The Missionary D's story and situation

Letter from the CMA couple supporting the D.'s

1997 IMB Policy guidelines with related highlights

What is going on in the appeal process

More information on issue possibly headed to board

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