Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Old Slave Mart Museum reopens in Charleston

Note: In the spring of 1997, just after Operation Restoration was completed, we led teams from a conference hosted by Frank Seignious of Mount Pleasant's All Saints Episcopal church to prayerwalk the Charleston peninsula. This was one of the hidden places where we prayed, asking the Lord to use it as an agent of healing in SC. Another answer to prayer.

Old Slave Mart Museum reopening in Charleston
Oct 30, 2007

CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) - Twenty years after the city of Charleston bought the Old Slave Mart Museum from a private owner, the small building whose exhibits tell of the slave trade is set to open its doors again Wednesday.

The building - really a roof over an alley between two other buildings - was used to sell slaves for eight years from 1856 until near the end of the Civil War. It was later a tenement, a shoemaker's shop and then, for decades, a museum under private ownership.

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