Monday, March 24, 2008

Pray: Bhutan elections today

The nation of Bhutan is holding its first ever general elections in an historic transition to a more democratic form of government from a 100 year-old absolute monarchy.

The elections are today, Monday, March 24.

Christian leaders there are asking that we pray that the People’s Democratic Party will come to power since they seem to be very open to Christians and want to see true freedom of religion established. (This majority Buddhist nation has been one of the top five worst persecutors of Christians in the world.)

They also want to see the country open up to doctors, agriculturalists, computer technicians and others from the outside, who want to work there since the nation has been largely secluded from the rest of the world till now.

Please pray for fair and peaceful elections, for the PDP to come to power and for the right person to be elected as prime minister. Pray too for the release of Bhutanese believers from prison and for freedom for them to share their faith freely throughout the country.

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