The Richmond, (VA) Daily Dispatch newspaper on December 11, 1860, printed a letter to Governor Moore of Alabama of a group offering its patriotic services to the State's defense.
The undersigned, a veteran of four wars, the Indian war of 1798, the war of 1812, the Tus-ke-se-ha war, and the Indian war of 1836; also, and by no means least, Captain of the squad of Honorary Members of the Montgomery True Blues, and Commander-in-Chief of the well known, patriotic, and reliable "Old Fogy Club," begs leave to offer to your Excellency, in behalf of the State of Alabama, the services of the said last mentioned body of true and faithful citizens; begging, at the same, to remark, that he would also offer the services of that other gallant corps which he commands, but that it is already included in the general offer of the company of which it forms an honorable part.In offering to your Excellency the services of the "Old Fogy Club," the undersigned feels proud to say that he offers, for the present emergency, men who must fight, because they cannot run. Your Excellency may, therefore depend on one corps, at least, that will stand fire; for the undersigned will certify, that what with gout, rheumatism, accidental lameness, and private afflictions of one sort and another, there is not a man in the company who could get further than Fight's Spring in a whole day's march.Your Excellency may, however, rely on a good fighting company, with this understanding--on which the undersigned most unhesitatingly insists: We must feed and that well!--And in order that your Excellency may fully see and appreciate and make preparations for the corps, the undersigned submits a statement of rations needful for each of the 25 men in his command, per diem:
Mutton or Beef, (good) 2 lbs. Oysters 3 dozen (plants.) Fish At pleasure. Vegetables At pleasure. Condiments At pleasure. Bread and Crackers At pleasure. Whiskey or Brandy 1 quart. Wine Occasionally. If, with this stinted allowance, (in times of great public distress,) your Excellency thinks the "Old Fogy Club" can be of service to the State, your Excellency may have them mustered in immediately — not to march exceeding five miles per day.
Respectfully, your abide serv's.
M. W. R., Captain.

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