The only thing about our favorite month that bothers us is Halloween, or Samhain (pronounced So-wayne), a Druid holiday brought to America by northern Europeans. We understand the difference between form and meaning; that is, we know that a certain thing, like a drum or an evil eye or even an idol is not anything in and of itself, but the meaning attached to it is what is important (1 Corinthians 10:14, 18-21.) However, some forms are so corrupt that we should have nothing to do with them. We also understand that one person's personal conviction is not necessarily another's (Romans 14:4-8.)
Deuteronomy 7:25-26 is clear that forms which have a connection to pagan worship should be eradicated from a believers life and bring with them a curse. Believers should have nothing to do with them. It is our conviction that Halloweeen is one of those forms. It has no Christian content whatsoever. It is unashamedly a day of the dark side. There is nothing to redeem in a totally non-Christian holiday. It would be the same as Christians having come out of Hinduism celebrating Deepavali, the Hindu festival of lights and looking for redemptive value in a pagan holiday.
Read more about why we do not celebrate Halloween.
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