Virtual M. Div. - Missions and Evangelism
Preaching and Studying Romans
Virtual M. Div. - Church History and Historical Theology
Virtual M. Div. - Preaching
Virtual M. Div. - Systematic Theology
Virtual M. Div. - New Testament
Virtual M. Div. - Old Testament
Biblical Training
Reclaiming the Mind
Gordon-Conwell Seminary
Covenant Theological Seminary
Reformed Theological Seminary
Westminster Theological Seminary
Related resources
Daniel Akin
President of Southeastern Seminary. Class lecture notes, sermons and chapel messages in mp3, sermon notes, etc., searchable by topic and Bible verses.
D. A. Carson
A leading NT scholar of our day and a prof at TEDS. And virtually everything he has said that is recorded or written online is here.
Wayne Grudem
Formerly at TEDS and now at Phoenix Seminary and has written so much for the church. His whole Sys Theo (which is one of the best out there) class is online. If you’re going to take Sys Theo for your virtual MDiv, why not take it with one of the best.
More Wayne Grudem Resources
Not only does this site have virtually every great article written by people of past and present, by they also have many mp3s for free.
Third Millennium Ministries
A seminary for free started by Richard Pratt with a goal to provide Christian education to hundreds of thousands of pastors around the world who lack sufficient training for ministry. We are meeting this goal by publishing and globally distributing a free multilingual, multimedia, digital seminary curriculum in English, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Russian and Spanish. The curriculum is designed to be used in support of existing schools, as well as by groups and individuals. It consists of three central elements: graphic-driven videos, printed instruction and internet resources.
Anyone have more resources? I know there are tons more out there. Please let me know with a comment.
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