Sunday, August 10, 2008

Death of the church bulletin

Tim Schraeder talks about how they stopped the insanity of weekly bulletins at Park Community Church and switched to a monthly. He says, "Today I have some sad news to report…

June 22 was a sad day at Park Community Church, we lost a dearly beloved friend… our weekly program.

What is often the bane of all communications people, church secretaries, and grammar police… the weekly program… passed away."

Michael Buckingham agrees.

"The choice might not fit every church to throw out the bulletin, but the exercise they went through to come up with the decision would be good for any church. Often we do things for one simple reason--that's what we've always done. By taking a closer look at the people that make up Park Community Church and the pros and cons of the bulletin, the team at Park realized there was a better way. They didn't just get rid of the bulletin, it was replaced with something that worked better for the church. "

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